Generation Up Student Letter of Support
I am emailing you on behalf of Generation Up (GENup), California’s largest youth-led advocacy organization with 4000+ members, 100+ chapters, and a 200-organization education coalition: The GENup Collective for Student Voice, about Area H. As one of the organizations that was directly involved with the passing of AB 101 and the creation of the Area H criteria, we would love for you to join us in advocacy and support.
Area H is a new proposed non-additive requirement in ethnic studies that the UC voted to approve back in fall of 2020 when it anticipated the passage of AB 101, the CA state law mandating ethnic studies. By non-additive, I mean that courses fulfilling this ethnic studies requirement will also be required to fulfill subject area criteria in an existing A-G area. Essentially, as with most A-G requirements, it’s a college prep course–in this case of high school ethnic studies. This new requirement leaves the required credits unchanged.
Because California law requires that all public high schools implement Ethnic Studies as a graduation requirement for the class of 2030, adopting Area H will allow UC to provide leadership and guidance for high school ethnic studies courses. This is the UC’s responsibility in service of California high schools.
Currently, Area H is out for a 90-day review at your campus. As there has been much debate and conversation on the implementation and the criteria, we wanted to provide you with some clarifying answers about Area H and the proposed “issue” of “access”.
We at GENup encourage you to read our short Q&A and to think about what Area H could do for a future generation of students’ success. Area H is important to students, and we would greatly appreciate your support.
In solidarity,
Ashlyn Bautista
Executive Chief of GENup Communications